The atmosphere
Seen from space, the effect of moisture-laden atmosphere gives the earth leading to recognize color as the blue planet of our system. This layer of gas, which is located around the other, lies in an increasingly tenuous maybe up to about 2000km of the solid surface. The atmosphere is presented as a thick protective layer. However, their properties are not uniform, since, for example, the pressure decreases as we move away from the center ground. Temperatures also change rapidly. For their study, subshells differ from Earth.
- This chart is the scale represents, pointing out some of their characteristics.

- Troposphere: the area of \u200b\u200bweather: up to 12km high.
- Stratosphere: A layer of low temperatures: up to 80km.
- Ionosphere: strip very electrically charged: up to 800 km.
- Exosphere: the outermost area, whose nearest sector (the thermosphere) recorded temperatures of 1,000 º C, with gases whose density would be 1,000 million times lower than the tropospheric air. Beyond los2.000km
extending outer space in the stratosphere
naturally accumulated a substance whose molecule is composed of three atoms of oxygen (ozone). This ozonosphere, or ozone, not very thick in Ecuador and thicker at the polar regions, has the ability to reflect short-wave ultraviolet radiation, the most life-threatening.
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