As we grow we better understood the vastness of our planet and some details of its shape and structure. Found it much harder for men of prehistory and ancient times, lacking the information and media we have today.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
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As we grow we better understood the vastness of our planet and some details of its shape and structure. Found it much harder for men of prehistory and ancient times, lacking the information and media we have today.
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Here you can make all your comments or concerns you have, feel free to make so you can continue your activities on the theme, just click below where it says comments, these will be answered promptly, you can also write to the following address: http://www.karinapelaia @ /
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Here you have a series of questions to answer, once you've finished emailing to:
Questions: 1_
Complete a timeline with the knowledge, discoveries and technological creations mentioned in the text.
2_Investiguen about authors and works that enabled a better understanding of planet Earth. 3_
Why geoid is called the land? 4_
What is the diameter that owns the land? 5_
What is the role of the atmosphere? Name each of its layers and explains that we find in each. 6_
Name "in which continents is the most water? 7_
How many layers are distinguished in the geosphere?. Name them and describe their characteristics? Make the following
8_ experiment: Take along a bottle or test tube. Placed inside iron filings, sand, water, oil and then shake well. Let stand for the system and after a time record the positions of the various materials. If the layer
represented are the Earth's core, mantle, crust, hydrosphere, atmosphere and outer space. What material takes the place of each in the system?
9_Entra to the following website and answers:
What are the consequences if you do not care for our planet Earth?. Give five examples of each, which happen in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere if not the earth, also mentions how we can help .
10_Mira the video "From orbit" and comments on what you see on earth.
Monday, June 9, 2008
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The geosphere
If we remember the dimensions of terrestrial radio, just over 6.300km in Ecuador A simple calculation (about the shape of the spherical planet) leads us to know its volume: the more accepted figure is expressed in the notation x1010km3 scientific about 1.08.
The land mass, ie the amount of matter that the form was estimated at almost 5.9 x 1021 tons. A simple conclusion was to recognize the density of the planet: more than 5.5 g/cm3.
But the experimental confirmation of the density of rocks on the earth's crust near 2.5g/cm3. The explanation of the difference between a fact and the other was simple: inside the planet should be higher density. Four more information
allowed progress in the assessment of the internal structure of the earth: a) findings about earthquakes and tsunamis; b) the study of volcanic activity and the rocks were formed from the lava ejected in eruptions; c) the use of special waves emitted by the planet; d) exploring the ocean floor.
Already in 1760, had proposed that earthquakes were caused by the vibrations caused by the layers accommodations located below the crust. The invention of the seismograph in 1855 (a simple device which allowed to measure these waves and know in advance the event of earthquakes) and was expanded information to confirm the above hypothesis. It also allowed to organize the evacuation of some areas before the occurrence of the phenomenon.
Research volcanic activity allowed us to establish a match in the major seismic zones: there is a real circle of volcanoes and earthquakes around the Pacific. An area of \u200b\u200binstability and escape of molten rock can mean the existence of semi-solid materials and high land surface temperatures.

So we noted the presence of living organisms to more than 10km in depth and the existence of a similar undersea emerged, with plateaus, ridges and mountains (which have become islands, sometimes very distant from the continent)

The discovery of the Atlantic ocean ridge, a vast underwater fault continually brings materials from deep mantle to form new seafloor in the Atlantic Ocean, allowed the understanding of seafloor spreading, but this accumulation of new materials increases the planet's surface because this effect is offset by the phenomenon of subduction, which consists of the introduction of crustal material in other areas (for example, on the Pacific coast of America) to the upper mantle are mixed and melt rocks to start a new cycle.
The analysis of seismic waves produced by earthquakes or explosions

With these data, geologists determined the existence of several layers at different depths.

According to the above, on the planet are distinguished basically the following layer: cortex (less than 500 º C) up to 40km, the mantle (where there is a notable increase pressure and temperature) which extends to 1,500 km depth; the outer core, to 2,900 km (close to 2,500 ° C) and the inner core on which state aggregation remain different theories, which, however, agree at high temperatures (about 5,000 º C) of incredible pressures (more than 30.000toneladas/cm2), and the presence of typical metal by its density and magnetic properties as nickel and iron.
However, in the earth's surface the most abundant compounds are the combinations of oxygen with silicon and aluminum, while greater depths are recognized silicon and magnesium oxides.
Arranged in horizontal layers, regardless of Earth's spherical shape, materials and features can be summarized as follows:
The rocks found on the surface are actually the only piece of evidence of what exists inside the earth and the transformations undergone by these materials, but only the first kilometers of the mantle.
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The lower density of water has provided the liquid layer above the solid, gaseous displacing up (actually "out", in relation to the gravitational attraction). The hydrosphere, which brings together continuity in total (only interrupted by weather conditions) to inland waterways and oceans, occupies

The deeper in the ocean would reach about 11km (in the trenches of the Marianas, Pacific Ocean), this shows once again the comparative significance of irregularities in relation to the diameter of Earth. The extension is also higher in the Pacific Ocean (more than 179,000,000 km2de surface). What are the Atlantic Ocean (about 92,000,000 km2) and then the Indian Ocean (near of 74,000,000 km2). Less clarity on the actual extent of the Arctic Ocean could be ice layers as thick (about 14,000,000 km2) and the Southern Ocean, which is discussed including its existence, because it can not determine exactly what occupies the continent's surface name under the ice and what is the extension of the water.
waters are usually called in the plural, all courses and ways in which water is present in nature. Aqueous solutions and suspensions are the liquid that condenses in the upper troposphere and falls mainly as rain. Rainwater dissolves and drag the various materials in its path, in the air from the atmosphere and glide irregular surface of the soil.
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The atmosphere
Seen from space, the effect of moisture-laden atmosphere gives the earth leading to recognize color as the blue planet of our system. This layer of gas, which is located around the other, lies in an increasingly tenuous maybe up to about 2000km of the solid surface. The atmosphere is presented as a thick protective layer. However, their properties are not uniform, since, for example, the pressure decreases as we move away from the center ground. Temperatures also change rapidly. For their study, subshells differ from Earth.
- This chart is the scale represents, pointing out some of their characteristics.

- Troposphere: the area of \u200b\u200bweather: up to 12km high.
- Stratosphere: A layer of low temperatures: up to 80km.
- Ionosphere: strip very electrically charged: up to 800 km.
- Exosphere: the outermost area, whose nearest sector (the thermosphere) recorded temperatures of 1,000 º C, with gases whose density would be 1,000 million times lower than the tropospheric air. Beyond los2.000km
extending outer space in the stratosphere
naturally accumulated a substance whose molecule is composed of three atoms of oxygen (ozone). This ozonosphere, or ozone, not very thick in Ecuador and thicker at the polar regions, has the ability to reflect short-wave ultraviolet radiation, the most life-threatening.
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In the classic form of a sphere, followed investigations being described as "geoid", a name which has the advantage of not being controversial, because etymologically significant

information from the U.S. Vanguard satellite, which orbited the Earth for months, led to correct the shape of our world, indicating that the irregularities so closely resemble a pear, with its smaller radius from the center of the planet and the polar South. However, these irregularities are not seen even in the comments or the photos from space.
has been able to determine the diameter of Earth in Ecuador (12,756 km) and pole (42 km less.) These figures are consistent with those of the sailors of the seventeenth century as a

If the understanding of the format has been working outside scientists, the recognition of its internal structure is still unfinished task insurmountable difficulties for direct verification. However, it has ascertained the existence of a well characterized series of layers.
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The idea of \u200b\u200ba spherical planet would have set out for the first time the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras of Samos (born on the island of the Aegean Sea, east of the Hellenic peninsula), some A. 500 years C..

Two hundred years later, Aristotle also agreed on the same idea. And he gave some justifications simple: to get away on boats, first let's see the town and then the candles. The stars observed in the sky were different as you travel north or south. Moreover, the shadow of the earth on the moon during lunar eclipses is circular.
With the acceptance of Copernicus' heliocentric model, as we saw, began to consider the idea that our planet spinning on itself, besides making it around the Sun
After the first circumnavigation (Magallanes - Elcano. 1519-1522), the European peoples of the Mediterranean and its northern neighbors just had enough evidence to accept the roundness of the planet and a less vague idea of \u200b\u200bits surface. In contrast, the understanding of ice in the Arctic and Antarctica took much more in different latitudes: the new polar expedition to be held in early twentieth century. From James Cook's arrival to the coast of Tasmania in 1776, the great colonial powers were amazed at the special atmosphere of Oceania. Already
there was no doubt about the approximate shape of the Earth, but new evidence emerged to promote research.
Towards 1660. Newton gave the explanation scientific characteristic that others had assumed. Applying his expertise on circular movements, argued that the Earth's rotation axis with a pole to produce a deformation to swell the planet's equatorial zone.
an experiment carried out in 1851 by French physicist Jean Foucault ended doubts about the reality of Earth rotation. Foucault hung an iron ball about 30cm

As for the movements, we know that checking simplest of rotation is given by the alternation of day and night. The translation (ie, the trip around the sun) is verified with the duration of the year.
The inclination of the axis of rotation with respect to the plane of translation around the sun explain the seasons.
Other more complex movements are known due to the periodic variations of the effects of the attraction of the moon and sun, as well as the unequal distribution of land density.
The quest for knowledge that will enable a better understanding of the characteristics of the planet was led by France and Britain. At that time (sixteenth to eighteenth centuries), navigation required good maritime cartography, ie good maps. And the development of complex economies resulted from the Industrial Revolution and colonial policies, promoting the exploration of every corner of the planet. Indeed, it was become clear that there was no "corners" because, at least in principle, the planet was a huge ball.
A new verification of the landform was achieved with the development of the "space race." The first images returned by spacecraft confirmed the known.